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Luggage and pets

Musical instruments

Conditions for transporting musical instruments:

  • As hand luggage:
    Instruments that do not exceed 30x120x38 cm (standard guitar measurements) may be carried in the cabin as the sole piece of permitted hand luggage.

  • On an extra seat:
    If you want to pay for an extra seat to take your musical instrument on board, you will have to contact your Iberia Booking Service to check the maximum size permitted and whether this is possible.

  • As checked baggage:
    The maximum size permitted for checked musical instruments, amplifiers and sound equipment is 190x75x65cm, with a maximum weight of 23 kg.

    The conditions and fees for checking in a musical instrument are explained in the information on special baggage.

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Can I take medicine in my hand luggage?

We recommend that you keep all medication in your hand luggage and easily accessible.
If you suffer from any illness that needs to be treated with an injection (diabetes, etc.) or with liquid medication exceeding the 100 ml permitted, you will need a medical certificate to take the syringes, needles and necessary medication on board.
Remember, airport security services are beyond our control and you should therefore prepare a contingency plan with your doctor in advance in case the authorities don't let you board the plane with these items.

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Can I take alcohol, tobacco and cash with me?

In accordance with current European regulations, when entering or leaving the European Union you can take up to 10,000 euros (€) in cash, or its equivalent in other currencies or assets, without having to declare it. All amounts exceeding this figure must be declared to the customs authorities.
Some member states also regulate the cash that people carry when travelling between different countries in the EU.

In the United States you must declare to the customs authorities any inflow or outflow of cash exceeding 10,000 US dollars ($). However, for further details contact the embassy of the country you are travelling to.

Alcohol and tobacco

If you are travelling between European Union member states, you can take tobacco, alcohol and alcoholic beverages for your personal use. If the tobacco or alcohol you are carrying is within the established limits, you will not have to pay any duty on it.

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Can I carry human ashes in an urn in my land luggage?

You can carry ashes or cremated human remains in your hand luggage provided they are placed in a non-breakable urn securely sealed and concealed.At the departure airport you may also need to show death and cremation certificates so be sure to take them with you. If you are taking ashes from one country to another, we advise you to contact the consulate in the destination country regarding possible requirements by the local authorities.

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