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Can I take an oxygen concentrator (CPAP), apnoea breathing device or similar on board? And dialysis equipment?

CPAP machines (oxygen concentrators) and other similar respiratory devices are permitted on board. To avoid problems during the flight or at security controls, your equipment must have a label indicating its acceptance for use on aircraft by the FAA, or you must have supporting documentation.

These devices work with batteries and cannot be used with the electrical sockets on planes. If you need to take additional batteries, you must place them in your hand luggage individually packed to protect them from any accidental short-circuit or damage during transport.
For safety reasons, these devices may have to be disconnected during the flight and they will therefore only be accepted if their disconnection does not interfere with the user's health. Dialysis equipment that does not exceed 50 kg can be transported free of charge and in addition to your baggage allowance; this also applies to the necessary medical supplies for two days' dialysis doses.

You don't need any authorisation to board with these items, provided you are not going to use them during the flight. Otherwise, please fill in our form to request medical clearance.
We recommend that you pack your equipment securely to avoid damage when handling.

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